Sunday, September 20, 2009

My friend Jenny has blogged recently about a 20 year old girl named Katie whose courage is an amazing inspiration. Katie is from Nashville and is living in Uganda raising 13 children that she has taken in as well as caring for hundreds of other children in her village. Did you read that? At 20 years old, she is raising 13 children in Uganda by herself.

With little help, she is feeding and caring for 1200 other children in the area. She is not there with an organization or with family, she is there by herself because at some point she could no longer stay still, stay silent. She had to go. I’m pretty intrigued by her story and want to ask you to check out Katies blog, and/or Jenny's posts about Katie.

From Jenny's blog:

“I ask Stacy what Katie needs...
Right now, she says, Katie needs to buy a piece of land and build a clinic next to her house so that she will stop bringing in sick babies and children off the street and into the living room with her other 13 children! They also need to build a few latrines. Apparently the 1200 children are stopping up the ONE toilet she has at the house. She needs $6,000 to buy the land. Then they need money to build a basic clinic.

Fine, I say. We will get the $6,000 and then we will start raising money for the clinic (which by the way has a waiting list over a year long of doctors and nurses who have already committed their time. They are simply waiting on a place to be built).”

So Jenny and her blog readers and going to raise at least $6,000 to help Katie with this project. Can you help? Do you know someone who can? I could not NOT share this story with you and at least ask you for prayers for this amazing woman. I'll blog again when Jenny has a specific place where you can send donations, but please feel free to contact Jenny directly about this.

"Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Luke 12:32-34

Katie's Blog
Jenny's Blog


Ashley said...

So glad that you're spreading Katie's story! I only know her through the blog-world and emails, but she's one amazing woman and momma! I highly recommend her blog! Everytime she pops up in Reader, I think "oh no, where are the tissues...", but I can't wait to see what amazing things God is doing through her!

P.S. Hi Alli,
Hope that you're doing well!

E said...

This is incredible.

Nelson from Garland, Texas said...

Hello, old friend. Greetings again from Texas. Hope you all are well.

Thanks so much for sharing this beautifully inspirational link. I definitely needed that today -- needed to focus on something other than myself for awhile.

Hope to see you soon.

Garrett said...

Hey Alli. I have been looking for chords for "New Today" and havent been able to find the "digital songbook" on your website. Would you help me out with that? Thanks so much. Love the song and we want to use it in our worship gathering this weekend.