Almost every show night there is someone who is Jesus to me. Someone who looks in my eyes and tells me just what I need to hear. Sometimes it's a friend, or someone I know, but often it's someone I've just met.
Each night, in Waukesha WI, Minot, ND and Edgerton, MN, there were those sweet words that kept me going despite my fatigue (this schedule is tiring!)
In Shawnee, KS it was a Sandy who made me feel so loved. Sandy thanked me for the sacrifices musicians make to listen to the call they feel on their life. (I started tearing up...) She empathized with how hard it is for me to be away from James at his age and told me about her two grown kids. Her eyes reminded me of my aunt Janet, who has always had kind eyes. My favorite moment was when her husband Kevin, as he introduced himself said, "I'm the lucky one" and pointed to Sandy, smiling. Thank you for your sincerity, your encouragement, your reminder of why I do what I do.
1 John 2:28
And now, dear children, continue in him, so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming.