Monday, February 18, 2008


Okay, so the dog is not so cute today. He’s stepped on one of my paintings (it was dry, but still), he went to the bathroom under my keyboard, and he’s really cramping my style. I’m starting to question our decision to call him ours. Is it always like this?? Will someone please tell me how long puppyhood lasts? Am I a bad person for leaving him in the backyard all afternoon??

What they say is seriously true, this seems to be pretty good practice for parenthood. Except Oso is not part of me, I didn’t carry him around for nine months. So disowning him doesn’t seem so out of the question. Now I feel horrible for saying that. Any puppy experts out there?


Delaney said...

Aww, give him a few more chances, at least! :)

No, you're not a bad person for leaving him in the backyard all afternoon. If you are, then I live in a family of bad people: We have to leave our dog outside when we go places. It hasn't made her bitter, luckily.

Jenn said...

Well, as a mom of two boys who got a puppy when she couldn't get pregnant with the first boy, I can say that raising a puppy IS good training for parenting! :) The key is to wear him down, as much as possible - and the backyard is a good place to do that. We kennel-trained ours (who is now a 75 lb. Airedale Terrier), and loved that. She even ended up loving the kennel too, as a place to be her own space. Hang in there!

So excited about the new album! Many blessings on it!

Michael Iott said...

Get a crate...(aka kennel). The puppy will be around for anywhere from a nine months to two years...
What kind of dog?

Michael Iott said...

Get a crate...(aka kennel). The puppy will be around for anywhere from a nine months to two years...
What kind of dog?