Friday, June 27, 2008

Mr. Rogers

Okay, so I know what you're thinking. You're thinking I've lost it. I've been posting mostly about books lately, have used the word wonderful like 3 times in the last week and now I'm posting about Mr. Rogers. Next I'll be posting about what my favorite variety of Daisy's are, right? Well, before you write me and Mr. Rogers off, just give these videos a chance. You have to watch this first one in it's entirety to really feel it, I think. It takes a minute to get used to how slow he talks but I think it's good for us. So If you have 6 minutes and 50 seconds to spare, watch this clip of Fred Rogers defending PBS to the US Senate in 1969.

I mean, there really was something about this man, huh? I never thought I'd be so inspired by Mr. Rogers. I feel especially connected having the same name and sharing a love for sweaters. :) If you have another 6 minutes (it's well worth it, in my opinion) here he is accepting his lifetime acheivement award at the Emmy's in 1997.


Mom said...

I watched this a few months ago, and really found out what a class act he was. I never took the time to find out much about him before this so thanks for sharing this with all of us!

Nelson from Garland, Texas said...

Thanks so much, Alli, for sharing this. It made my day.

I try to keep a stack of "The World According to Mr. Rogers: Important Things to Remember" to give out.

You made a difference in my life this summer morning. Thank you.

Journey said...

Hey Alli-
I just finished reading, "The Simple Faith of Mr. Rogers"-- such a good read! So inspiring, Fred was.

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